What do kids learn in preschool?
Starting preschool is a big step for little kids. It’s not just about learning ABCs and 123s; it’s also where kids start to make friends, understand feelings, and think in new ways.
Let’s dive into how preschool helps kids learn and grow, getting them ready for lots of fun learning in the future.
Social skills
Preschool gives your child the opportunity to develop important skills such as collaborating with others, showing empathy, as well as problem-solving and decision-making.
It is here that they first learn how to interact with other children and adults, work together in a team, and build early relationships.
This gives them the confidence for the rest of their academic journey.
Their social and emotional development helps foster qualities such as self-control, resilience, patience, respect for others, and the ability to recognize one’s behavior.
They also learn to take turns, listen when spoken to, and express their opinions in conversation – all of which prepare them for school later on.

Language skills
Preschool is an environment where children can develop their language skills by listening to stories, singing songs, and participating in conversations with other children and adults. This will help them expand their vocabulary.
They will also learn about the alphabet and how to write simple words.
Cognitive skills
Preschool helps develop children’s cognitive skills by introducing them to mathematical concepts such as counting, measuring, and patterns. They also learn about colors, shapes, and other basic concepts.
For example, children learn to count and identify numbers up to 10 or higher, understand shapes such as circles and squares, identify different colors, recognize upper and lower case letters, and form simple sentences using basic grammar rules.
All of this helps build a strong early foundation for math and language development.
Physical skills
Preschool gives children the opportunity to move and develop their fine and gross motor skills.
Through play and physical activity, they learn coordination, balance, and strength.
The preschool gives children the opportunity to explore their creative side by drawing, painting, as well as arts and crafts.
Art helps children learn to express themselves without words by creating something and learning about design elements such as color and texture.
Music encourages the exploration of rhythm and pitch, which stimulates brain growth in young children and contributes to their learning development.
Imagination is the cornerstone of creative expression, where problem-solving skills are developed alongside critical thinking
What to think of as parents
Starting preschool is a big milestone for both children and parents. It is a place where children can learn about the world around them and develop social, emotional, and cognitive skills.
Preparing your child can make all the difference in making the transition to preschool easier.
As parents, ensuring your child is ready for preschool involves more than just packing a backpack and saying goodbye at the door. It’s about nurturing their independence, social skills, and curiosity in the comfort of your home.
Remember, every child is unique, and readiness goes beyond age or mastering specific tasks.