The Frogs Who Desired a King

Explore more of Aesop’s Fables and other classical tales for kids with Brainytoon.

The story behind the fable

According to the earliest source (the Phaedrus), the story is about a group of frogs who called on the great god Zeus to send them a king.

Zeus threw down a log, which fell with a loud splash into their pond, but soon the frogs became dissatisfied with their new king.

The moral of this fable has survived for centuries because the message it conveys is timeless.

The grass is not always greener on the other side. A desire for change can sometimes do more harm than good if not kept in check.

Aesop's fables The Frogs Who Desired a King

Once upon a time, there was a group of frogs who lived peacefully by a small lake. They had everything you could wish for. Plenty of water and food.

After a time of the good life, the frogs began to tire.

They decided they needed a king to make life better. So they prayed and prayed that a king would come and save them.

Finally, they received a log from the sky. At first, the frogs were happy, but when they noticed that it was just a tree that couldn’t even move, they quickly became displeased.

They prayed again for a real king to come and save them. This time a great stork came flying from the sky. The only problem was that storks eat frogs. So instead of living peacefully, they were now being hunted by the big bird.

That day the frogs learned that you should be careful what you wish for and be grateful when you are well.

Fables like “The Frogs Who Desired a King” have survived for centuries because they convey timeless lessons and wisdom. As you read this fable, think about what you can take away from the frogs’ experiences.

This fable serves as a warning to be careful what you wish for and to think through the consequences before you wish for something.

The frogs were initially unhappy with their leisure but quickly came to miss the freedom they had taken for granted. Instead of longing for what they didn’t have, the frogs should have appreciated what they did have – their independence.

It is easy to become dissatisfied and want more, but we must remember to be grateful for the blessings we currently possess.